Sashiko Stick & Stitch :: Tutorial and Projects

Sashiko Stick and Stitch patches make slow sewing Sashiko even more relaxing. These patches can be stuck onto a garment, bag, cushion cover… almost anything fabric.
Brilliant for repairs too.
Tools // Materials used in these tutorials
- Needle with large eye (Crewel no 5)
- Thread (Embroidery floss 6 strand)
- Easy fabric such as a medium quilting cotton or cotton linen mix (just to start you off, it’s easier to work with than heavier Sashiko fabric or loose weave linens)
- Sharp scissors
- Cool water to wash away the product when completed.
Stick & Stitch Panel
Position the Stick & Stitch design onto the fabric. When happy with the position, peel the back off and re-lay the sticky panel onto the fabric ready for stitching.
There are no rules. If it’s not for a visible repair, selecting a place that’s easy to access and get your hand into position to stitch so it is much more comfortable to work with. If this is your first make, the easier you can make it for yourself the better.
With or without a hoop, whichever works best for you.
Getting Started with your First Stick & Stitch Project
DMC Embroidery floss (6 strands) as in the video. Cut a 40cm length. Split into two lenghts with 3 strands in each.
(Alternative thread options: Perle (no 8) or Sashiko thread (medium))
Embroidery Professional way of threading a needle (simple method.)
Needle is size 5 and three strands of embroidery floss.
A large and easy to create knot. Fabulous for beginners. There are other methods, so use what works for you.
Modern Sashiko, straight lines, here is how. Once learned, you can create any sashiko design, no matter how complex it looks – it’s the same simple stitch repeated.
Sashiko stitch can be used on all design shapes – circular and straight. For more information on the other patterns, see the other videos on the website.
Tiny flat knots to secure the end of the thread. When starting a new length of thread, make another quilters knot and continue.
Sashiko & Embroidery Tips & Tricks
Sashiko Visible Repairs
More Sashiko Tutorials
If you’d like to adventure into the world of Sashiko a little more, there are videos on traditional vs modern Sashiko techniques, no knot techniques, different pattern designs. The link below will take you on a Sashiko magical mystery tour.
Stick & Stitch Bag
Stick and Stitch your design onto a panel of fabric and make into a little bag using this free beginner tutorial.

- Easy / Beginner
Materials & Pattern Pieces:
- Bag outer: lightweight quilting cotton / Tana Lawn / linen
- Bag linging: calico / quilting cotton
- Handles: 1cm wide ribbon / herringbone tape
Small bag
- Bag outer: Cut two – 17.5cm x 17.5 cm (7″x7″)
- Bag lining: Cut two – 17.5cm x 17.5 cm (7″x7″)
- Handles: Cut two lenghts of ribbon/tape – 20cm (8″)
Medium bag
- Bag outer: Cut two – 27.5cm x 27.5 cm (11″x11″)
- Bag lining: Cut two – 27.5cm x 27.5 cm (11″x11″)
- Handles: Cut two lenghts of ribbon/tape – 25cm (10″)
Seam allowance
- 1cm (1/2″)

Sewing fabric scraps together to make the bag can look great.